It is the intention of The New Stack (TNS) to clearly mark posts, podcasts, ebooks and livestreams that have been commissioned by third parties, as per the guidelines set forth by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
Posts on which a vendor paid to appear on the web site will be marked with a disclosure at the beginning of the post, “Company X sponsored this post.” In certain cases, the preferred branding of the sponsor will be used to designate the sponsorship, “OpenShift, a Red Hat technology, sponsored this post.”
Companies, or company brands, that have paid relationships with TNS that appear in a TNS post, podcast, livestream or ebook as a course of normal reporting will be disclosed at the ending of that post, or disclosed within the podcast or livestream recording itself, as well as in the write-up of the podcast.
Companies that pay to sponsor an ebook with TNS will be disclosed on the web site landing page for the ebook, as well as within the ebook, “We are grateful for the support of our ebook sponsors: X,Y and Z.”
All TNS social media posts about paid sponsored articles, podcasts, livestreams or ebooks will have the sponsorship disclosed on the social media post.
Content sponsored by a company affiliated with Insight Partners will include additional disclosure indicating that the sponsor is under common control with TNS.